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The London Metropolitan Police force led the way on May Day - in taking every chance they could to screw overtime pay.

Following weeks of press and police harrassment, May day protests went ahead as planned. Niketown in Oxford Street didn't do a lot of business on May 1st. Meanwhile, doctors called a day of action over lack of resources and understaffing.

Elsewhere, demonstrations against capitalism and for workers were assaulted by massed ranks of police determined to clear the unwashed masses from the streets so that New Labour can keep the cash registers ringing all the way to the election.

Bad news for them - the New Labour honeymoon is long-over, and any feelgood factor is rapidly evaporating as the latest ‘economic downturn' begins to establish itself in the London Stock Exchange.

Catalyst predicts an all-time record General Election - the most boring ever. Every major party is vying to be the best bosses puppet. Now, more than ever, we have no alternative but to take matters into our own hands. Capitalism has had its millenium - now this one's going to be ours.

To get active - contact Catalyst, PO Box 29 SWPDO, Manchester M15 5HW 0161 232 7889

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