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National Temporary Workers' Week was thought up by the ‘Recruitment and Employment Confederation' bosses' club, supposedly ‘to recognise the value of the UK's temporary and flexible workforce', but actually to get their faces in the paper and some free advertising.

Well, here's some free advertising. Workers in Bristol marked the end of National Temporary Workers' Week by presenting corporate giant Manpower with a pile of shit. Bristol Against Casualisation Campaign (BACC) entered the company's plush city centre office to hand over the prestigious ‘golden turd' award, presented to capitalists for crimes against the working class. Arch scumbags Manpower made £1500 million in profits off the back of our labour last year, and with job insecurity and poverty pay spreading like a bad case of impetigo, they were well overdue a visit.

Reaction in the office to the award ceremony ranged from mild amusement to wild panic with one unfortunate woman even thinking she was under attack by Afghan terrorists (the pile of shit being an incendiary device). No bosses were available or willing to accept the special award from the workers, which proves that capitalists really can't handle any shit.

For further information, contact BACC at c/o Box 43, 82 Colston Street, Bristol, BS1 5BB. E-mail:

Meanwhile, the International Workers' Association, the anarcho-syndicalist global association, has started a global campaign against casual labour. A round of simultaneous demonstrations against temporary work agencies is scheduled for the new year. Contact Catalyst for details or look out for them on the SolFed website: (email

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