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London SolFed Workplace Organiser Training 12th Aug, 12noon

London Solidarity Federation - Workplace Organiser Training
12th Of August, 2023 12:00 to 18:00
London Action Resource Center 62 Fieldgate Street, London, E1 1ES.
The London Solidarity Federation is running organiser training, free and open to all.
The training will include case studies of previous workplace organisation and actions, how to map your own workplace, role playing through a first meeting with your co-workers, and more!
Any questions? Email us at

Manchester Solfed Organiser Training Day

The Solidarity Federation is organising a workplace training day in Manchester on Saturday 7th March. The course will provide a basic introduction to workplace organising. Primarily focusing on how to organise resistance in the workplace in difficult conditions and when, under the anti-trade union laws, taking the mildest form of action can leave workers open to the sack.

The day’s course will include:

The Role of the Workplace Organiser

How to set about organising in Workplace

Taking Effective Action in Difficult Conditions

Building a Workplace Organisation

If you have problems at your workplace and want to fight back or if you want to get involved in workplace organising, the course should provide a good foundation for getting you started.

Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training in Newcastle

There will be a Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training Day on Saturday, June14th in Newcastle. 
If you would like to attend, please email training[AT]

The Solidarity Federation workplace organiser training programme is designed to give workers the tools and confidence to organise in their workplaces, whether or not there's an existing union. Even if you've had training from another union, you may find the direct action based approach we adopt offers a fresh perspective.

Whether you've got a union or not, join us for a workshop on how to create strong organisation in your workplace.

Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training in Edinburgh

There will be a Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training Day on Saturday, 22nd March in Edinburgh, it's open to all workers, apart from managers, you do not have to be a SolFed member or an anarcho-syndicalist to attend.

If you would like to attend, please email training[AT]

The Solidarity Federation workplace organiser training programme is designed to give workers the tools and confidence to organise in their workplaces, whether or not there's an existing union. Even if you've had training from another union, you may find the direct action based approach we adopt offers a fresh perspective.