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NHS strike: Actions speak louder than words!

Brighton Health & Social Care poster for NHS strike

The call for 1% is a distraction from the real issues. We need more than 1%, we need to stop the privatising of our health care, better staffing, access to free health care for all, we need to be active in our work places, stop asking and start demanding and organising ourselves.
Join Brighton’s Health & Social Care Network.

Do you work in the hospitality sector?

Poster publicising the Brighton Hospitality Workers campaign

Are you:

  • getting paid below minimum wage?
  • working long shifts without break?
  • without a contract, written or verbal?
  • not getting paid holidays?

Overall the hospitality industry is notorious for long hours, low pay and precarious conditions. Howevere there are actions that can be taken to tackle this critical situation. If you want to discuss workplace issues, come and meet us!

Do you work in Health or Social Care?

Poster to publicise the Health & Social Care network set up by Brighton Solfed