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minimum wage

Problems at work - No. 8: Minimum Wage, Maximum Hours

The announcement that the minimum wage is set to rise to £4.85 next predictably had union leaders, desperate for a reason to stick with Labour, claiming that in the fight against poverty the Govemment really is making a difference. They are deluding themselves; the minimum wage is not about ending poverty, it is set so low it merely legaises poverty wages. Labour see a  low wage economy, in which the working class remain powerless, as the essential ingredient of a 'successful' 'free market' economy. Labour's inspiration is not justice or equality, but the USA, where the minimum wage has been in force for years and has done nothing to prevent the growth in poverty and obscene inequalities.

April 20128: new rates for the National Minimum Wage

The new rates for the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage from
April 2018 are set out below:

● £7.83 per hour for ages 25 and over
● £7.38 per hour for ages 21 to 24
● £5.90 per hour for ages 18 to 20
● £4.20 per hour for those under 18
● £3.70 per hour for apprentices.

Laibaz dispute update

Manchester Solidarity Federation has been in dispute with Laibaz restaurant in Bolton since the beginning of July over wage theft, below minimum wage pay rates and other matters - see earlier post below. 

The campaign has included a number of demand letters backed up with two successful phone blockades aimed at preventing take away orders. In the light of Sunar Alom's refusal so far to enter negotiations to resolve the dispute, Manchester SF has escalated its actions against Laibaz over the weekend of August 20th/21st. A 3rd phone blockade on the evening of the 20th has been followed up with a postering campaign in the vicinity of Laibaz.

We thank people for the fantastic support so far and urge you to continue this to force Sunar Alom to return the wages he has stolen and to prevent him from robbing workers in the future.

19th of May – Anti-Workfare Pickets in Reading and Oxford

On the 19th of May Thames Valley SolFed coordinated a day of action against Holland & Barrett as part of the national SF anti-workfare campaign. Pickets were held in both Reading & Oxford.

Congratulations and Solidarity to London's IWW Cleaners

The North London Solidarity Federation would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the IWW cleaners who recently won a strike over unpaid wages.  Their solidarity, organization, and determination (despite their varying immigrant backgrounds and the fact they work for an unscrupulous subcontractor) is an inspiration for us all.  Congratulations again fellow workers and please don't hesitate to let us know how we can support your struggle in the future.

North London Solidarity Federation

Ambas secciones londinenses de Solidarity Federation l@s envía felicitaciones a l@s limpiezas de IWW Londres después de su huelga exitosa. Su solidaridad es una inspiración. Otra vez, felicitaciones a nuestr@s companer@s y esperamos que nos avisen de como podremos solidarizarnos con sus luchas en el futuro.


Management group says pay interns 'training wage'

A brief look at last year’s developments with regards to Intern pay, a story that the BBC News website is has just updated under its Education section.

Last year, the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) argued for a 'training wage' of £2.50 for those on internships of three months or more as a means to 'boost UK productivity'.[1] Unpaid intern work is of inherently unequal access, because those people with good connections and from wealthier backgrounds are much more likely and capable of finding and staying on an unpaid internship.