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Sat, 20/10/2012 - 09:34

No forced academies- Connaught school on strike in Leyton

On Tuesday morning (16th Oct) strike action by National Union of Teachers (NUT) members closed Connaught School for Girls in Leytonstone. Several NLSF members who live locally to the school, as well as local parents and students joined the picket.
The teachers took strike action in protest at plans to turn the secondary school into an academy. Across the borough, primary and secondary schools are being academised/privatised and plans are underway for a freeschool to be set up in Walthamstow.
The teachers at Connaught are preparing for further strike action and may be out again next week on Wednesday.
NLSF members are involved in the struggle against academies in WalthamForest and Solfeds Education Workers Network have previously produced an academies special edition of the Education Worker which highlights the many reasons why academies are bad for education workers, children and our communities.