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Fri, 08/03/2013 - 14:02

Portsmouth Poundland picket 2nd March 2013

Solent Solfed & CNT-AIT Caen


On the 2nd of March, Solent SolFed with comrades from Bristol and Brighton locals along with CNT-AIT Caen, Forest of Dean Anarchists, Wessex Solidarity and others, picketed Poundland in Portsmouth as part of our rolling campaign against the mendacious workfare provider (they keep staying they’ve pulled out). This particular shop had two employees working for JSA however.

When we made this clear to shoppers, there was a distinct change in mood, with many refusing to set foot in the place; the usual checkout throng noticeably thinned out. Hundreds of leaflets were distributed and we received a lot of support from passers by and some of the staff. A couple of passing SWP congratulated us on our organisation, which is nice, on the 92nd anniversary of the Kronstadt Rebellion!